Monday, July 30, 2007


It's been a while, but that is because I have really been in a crazy place. I need to make the decision soon about whether or not to stay in employment. Been praying about it quite a bit actually. I feel like i'm cheating my employers by not really having my heart on the job thus performing well enough to get by, but not exceptionally well. I sign my agreement with my client tomorrow to officially start my company and another person has already contacted me as well with a need for the same services. Not bad at all. I also need to plan and go for surgery soon. I'm thinking October without fail!! I just don't want to be down for 2 months while the world moves on without me. But I was thinking I could use the time to bond with God a little tighter and to map the way forward. So I will probably be at this job for another month and a half then I'm out. Gotta get back on my knees and ask the Lord to show me the way. He promises to show me the way, speak to me, order my steps and direct my path. So here is my theme verse these days:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your path." Prov 3:5-6


Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Something is running around in my head, and i'm sure everyone and their dog has an opinion on this one. I am thinking about the validity of the old testament in our lives today. All of it, not just the bits we like. What would happen if we ate like it says, if we were as moral as it says, as God fearing. Would our lives be better? Does the new testament nullify the old, or did it just come to complete it? Why would God go to the extent of telling people exactly what to eat, how to live their lives day to day? I find it interesting that he actually told them not to even inquire on how the nations worshipped their gods. He knew that curiosity killed the cat!! I think there is more to the pentateuch than we know....

Monday, July 16, 2007

Leadership journey

Wow! I'm so busy. But I love it. I am putting together a training module on leadership. I love the subject and have been an ardent reader on the topic since 2001. It is amazing how much effort you have to put into becoming a leader and a success in life. The journey is uphill for sure, but you have to be determined to make it regardless of the bumps, pitfalls and detours. Well, we will make it! That is for sure.

Friday, July 13, 2007


Wow! I finally downloaded the business plan template for round two of the BID challenge and I it intimidated me quite a bit. Especially the financials. Don't know why. Guess because it makes it all so real. You know... the big bad world! Needless to say, I gave a shout to my Business Plan coach who made it all sound like a piece of cake. He basically told me what I have known all along. It is one step at a time. So I am starting at the beginning and working my way down. Will have to keep you up to date on that. I have lots of work to do, so let me get started.
My logo is finally done, and as soon as I get my website up, I will publish so you have it. When you get it, be sure to check it out and send business my way.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Good News!!

I'm bursting with it! I have been really busy at work, but I have also had a lot of good stuff happening.

My first client under the consultancy accepted my services, so I will start as soon as they can provide what I need. Also I will finally meet my Business Plan coach on either thursday or Saturday (to be confirmed). In addition to that, some strategic partners want to hook up and start up a Call Centre training consultancy. I will update you on that as we make headway. And I have a lady friend who wants me to write a business plan for her for a small fee. Not too shabby! But B-U-S-Y!!!! I like it that way. But Friday night and Saturday morning are my sleepy days. Hallelujah! I can't wait!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Progress Finally

I read a quote about men in the Nairobi Star this morning :

"His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork" Mae West

I thought it was a hoot! LOL!

But that is beside the point....

So I finally met my prospective client and we had a good chat. I sent him a list of what I could do for him etc. He will talk to his partners and let me know on Monday. Then we will progress from there.

I also got my BID challenge update: I made the top 50 and will be receiving a coach to help me write a bankable business plan. HALLELUJAH!!!!!! I am very excited about that. It seems like finally my business will be taking off. I also finally joined the Kenya BPO Society and want to get completely involved in that. I want to join the marketing and events committee. That will be a lot of hard work, but fun.

Needless to say, I see progress finally! My logo is being done and soon my website as well. Then I can really start selling myself. Come 2008, I want to be completely into entrepreneurship. Just be my own boss. Thank you Jesus!!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Mysterious Ways

God works in mysterious ways. This weekend I'm sitting there minding my own business when I get a call from a guy who works in a presitigous financial institution talking about they are looking for a consultant and I was recommended by two different parties. It felt like shock! I was actually numb for a while then I just exploded in joy. So now I have a hook up for my first gig as an entrepreneur. Thank you God!! I get the details today in my e-mail and will keep it here so you know what is up as well. I am really excited. I feel like finally I am walking into my destiny. I am finally in my element.