Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Provision in the Recession

Wow! I have not been on here for while. I missed all you people that read my blog while I was away. I have been one busy Kenyan! God has just been faithful beyond belief and has continued to watch over me keeping me as the apple of his eye.

Let me talk a little bit about last year. In 2008 God had me sow like I had never done before. I was giving so much I began to worry about not saving enough. I have always been the kind of person that is comforted by a lump sum in their bank account. Not this time. If I tried to hold back my money it became like a fire burning in my bones! So I kept on giving. I think it was in December that the Lord spoke to me from the story of Joseph and asked me to make sure and save 20% of my income. So I began to do that not really understanding what was up.

Well, what do you know?! God sees into the future! I was just dying to quit my job but did not know what I could possibly do with myself although I had an idea. I would walk into my office and prophesy to it and let it know that it was not going to be my office much longer. I would sit in my chair and let it know it would not hold me much longer. I prophesied even to my desk and PC! Talk about nuts! Well on January 31st I read the passover story and how the Israelites exited Egypt full of treasure. I wanted to anoint my doorpost at the office and prophecy my exit but I had forgotten my olive oil, so guess what I used? Vaseline. LOL!!! Child, I blessed that oil and put some of it at the top and on the sides on the door frame and decreed that it was time to exit out of the land of bondage.

Let me tell you Child of God, the Lord went into swift action. He made it unbearable for me, so much so that I put in my resignation of February 9th without any plan whatsoever on my next step. But I was at peace. I knew God would do it. I worked out my notice and left at the end of that month. That is when God took over, I told him that I needed at least one week to get my rest and then he could put me to work. He obliged. After that week was over, I began to work as a freelance writer. Can I tell you something? I have not struggled or stressed for money one bit! The seed that I sowed in 2008 just keeps bringing in my harvest. I have been working on my own for the last 3 weeks and I have more work than I could ever have imagined. When corporates like Zain are laying off workers for lack of profits, I'm enjoying plenty with no fear of the recession.

This is the God we serve. This right here is Jireh. Is Nissi. This is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This is the God who was with Moses in the Wilderness. This one, is the one who helped Joshua take Jericho and conqeur the promised land. This one is the one I praise, honor and bow down to. He is from everlasting to everlasting. May his name be eternally praised.


Shiko-Msa said...


Aggie said...

Talk about walkig in faith!
Keep up the good work of sharing what God has done in your life.
Be blessed always.