Thursday, August 16, 2007

I want a man!

I want a man
not just any man
I want God's man
kingdom appointed
for such a woman as this...

I'm looking for love
not just any love
I want the God kind of love
filling a heart that beats
to the kingdom's rhythm
Holy Ghost saturated
the kinda love that
can't be rated...
poured out
runnin' ovah
like water in a glass
already full of good things
smooth as silk
yet tough as rope
wrapping around my soul
keepin' it all together
with room enough for me
to be
a woman
not just any woman
God's woman
whole and free
to love you
the way I want you to love me
with a love
not just any love
but the God kind of love
rich as a sinful dessert
pure as tried gold
the kind of love that can hold
onto your hand
and God's at the very same time
delivered from all other ties that bind
and yes
I'm free enough to wait
for a man
not just any man
but the man
who understands
and knows what love means
and lives what God says...
and wants what I want
a real love
a strong love
a tall love
agape love.
God's love.

From "What to do until love finds you" by Michelle McKinney Hammond

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