Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Double For My Trouble!

I have not yet blogged about this because it has blown my mind. When I quit my job in February it was because I had a director who just turned against me for no good reason. She is the person who had introduced me to this group of people and sang my praises and now all she had to say about me was bad stuff. I couldn't do one good thing.

Well, the devil intended it for evil but God intended it for good. In that time of trial and transition I realized that I was not going to stay there long. It was quit or get fired so I decided to quit. I started applying for various jobs that I saw on the internet. I really did not have a game plan and was only trusting that God would take care of me.

God is faithful! I put in for a job that I frankly did not think I could get. It was way beyond my league. This company in South Africa was expanding to East Africa and needed an East African Regional Manager. Come and see me applying for the job when the most I had ever been was General Manager of a start up call center.

The doings of God are stranger than fiction. I got the job! Just like that. God opened that door and gave me the job. I start on Monday June 29th with a trip to South Africa. The director who had been hating on me in the other job had said that I was overpaid and had even put forward a motion to reduce my salary by quite a bit. Secondly, by the leading of the Lord, I had turned down two very good opportunities while I waited for this particular opportunity.

God did not disappoint. My salary was more than doubled in my new position. Talk about double for my trouble! Additionally, while I was waiting on the Lord to open up this position, I had begun a business on the side and that too has flourished bringing in a good amount of income as well. Now instead of one source of income I have two. Everything is coming in doubles! That is the power of Covenant.

I am so blessed by the Lord and his goodness. Perhaps the most important change is what is happening on the inside of me as God is bringing me closer to himself and teaching me to become the prophetic entrepreneur he has called me to be. What a wonderful God we serve. He will come through for you too because he is faithful. God bless!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woooooooow! this has just stirred up my faith wooooooow our God doesnt fail.....luke 1:37 nothing is impossible with God.....Am so happy and excited for you!!! May God continue prospering you in every way!