You missed it when you focused on the hips, the lips and the finger tips.
You missed it when you looked at my face and noticed the blemishes
You missed it when you thought I was not skinny enough
I am everything you need in a woman
But you missed it!
A capable, intelligent and virtuous woman who can find?
You should have looked at my capability as a wife and mother.
Knowing that one day my children will rise and call me blessed
You should have noticed that I was industrious and capable.
But you missed it!
You should have stuck around to find out that I can throw down in the kitchen
Like the merchant ships, I bring food from afar
You should have stayed long enough to see me organize and delegate
Rising early to ensure that my servant girls have all they need
But you missed it!
And when I graduated from school as one most likely to succeed
When I went into business selling purple and linen
When I considered a field and bought it from the proceeds I made
When I tasted and saw that my gain was good - you should have been there
But you missed it!
And in the evening when I gird myself with strength
Readying myself for my husband
That he may drink from his own cistern and enjoy the wife of his youth
You should be here by my side as I ready myself for you
But you missed it!
Strength and dignity are my clothing
My position is strong and secure
As I wait on my Lord for a husband
One that will see clearly – Oh that it were you
But you missed it!
It is this man whose name will be known at the gates
When he sits among the elders
It is this man who shall boast and praise me
Whose heart will have found a safe resting place
But you missed it!
Ah my brother, my friend
Charm is deceptive and beauty is vain
But a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
She is the prudent wife who comes from the Lord
But you missed it!
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