God is not a respecter of persons. What he does for one, he will do for another. If he can use one, he can use another. I am challenged by Daniel this morning. Challenged by his desire to know God and to understand his ways and where he is leading him. Constantly you find him praying and seeking to understand. And always he gets visitations from angels to give him insight and understanding. God revealed the future to him because he sought to understand.
How many times do we seek to understand what God has in store for us? Our purpose here on earth? How we can be more effective where we are? If I was to seek God with the desire to understand how to run this company under Kingdom principles, would he not give me guidance? If I was to ask him where the industry is going, so I am better able to strategize would he not show me?
I have been remiss in calling on God for insight, foresight and understanding. As such, I have been average and have not stood up above the competition. Daniel and his friends were found to be 10 times better and wiser than all the rest. I believe it is because they sought God earnestly for understanding, revelation of mysteries, guidance, insight, foresight and the way forward.
Lord grant me the desire to seek you more, to call to you more, to seek understanding from you, to rely on you like Daniel did. How else will I be the best in my industry. Give me the grace I need to fast and pray, to seek your face for this industry in which you have placed me. That I too like David may serve my generation faithfully. Cause me to seek you fervently, with renewed urgency. I thank you and honor you, in Jesus Holy and Mighty Name I ask this, Amen!
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