Mark 4:1-34 tells the parable of the sower. God sows seed into our lives but we till the land to ensure that the seed grows. If we are lax in this area, then the seed will not produce like it is supposed to. God being a master investor, sows seed in us with the hope of gaining 30%, 60% or 100% return on his investment. The challenges in the soil will tell you where you lie at this moment in time. What is happening to the seed in you? There are four things that can happen ones the seed is planted.
Scenario 1
As soon as God sows a word or dream (seed) into your heart, the devil comes in by causing you to doubt and have unbelief. You begin to doubt that such greatness can come out of you. You begin to think that its just that, a dream. Nothing can come out of it. Sometimes you doubt that you heard God in the matter. Because of that, your seed falls to the way side. It is eaten by the birds. You never receive or welcome it and therefore it never sprouts.
Scenario 2
When God sows the seed into your life you receive the word with much joy. You believe that you are going somewhere to do something great for God. But when trouble and persecution arise because of that word sown into your life, you quickly fall away and abandon the dream. One thing you have to understand is that God told Eve “your seed shall crash his head.” The devil knows that the seed within you has the potential to totally destroy him. As such, the moment a seed is planted in you the fury of hell is released against you. Do not let trouble and persecution stop you from achieving what God has put in you.
Scenario 3
Once again the word is received with much joy and faith. But unfortunately you allow the issues of life, worries, deceitfulness of wealth and desire for other things to redirect your focus. Once a seed is planted in you, it needs to become your primary focus. Ask God to make you like a well aimed arrow so that you are always focused on the mark to hit it. Focus is crucial for the success of the dream. Do not
Scenario 4
The word is sown and received in gladness and faith. This person refuses to be deterred by trouble and persecution. They focus in on the dream and refuse to be distracted by anything at all. Issues come, wealth comes, but he stays focused, working his seed until he reaps a harvest, 30%, 60% and 100% return on the seed sown in him.
Be clear on this, that once the seed is sown in you all the fury of hell is unleashed towards you because it is through the seed that his head shall be crashed and he knows it. You carry a seed that has the potential to shake the very gates of hell and cause the devil to come unhinged. You are powerful beyond measure. The devil’s idea is to make sure that your seed does not germinate. His weapons are as follows:
1) Doubt and unbelief comes first. He poses the question “Did God really say…?”
2) When that fails he sends trouble and persecution to discourage you from even
3) When that does not work he tries to cause you to lose focus by drawing your attention to the worries of life, deceitfulness of wealth and other worldly desires.
The solution – Pray that God will make you like a well aimed arrow. Completely focused and on point to Gods glory. Nothing shall destruct you from your mark. You shall hit it every time by the Grace of God!!
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