Saturday, September 1, 2007


You know how you always feel it is time for something or other in your life and you can actually hear God saying it's time? Well, do you ever wonder what that means to him? I mean, if one thousand days are as one to him, and one day is as a thousand, what does that mean? Well, I think that really God thinks of time in two ways Chronos and Kairos.

Chronos is Chronological time. Minutes, hours, days, weeks etc. We tend to be more focused on Chronos time than Kairos time, but funny enough so does God. Kairos is God's "now" time. The appointed time. The set time for him to do something. God being a planner has set times for all things.

The reason why I say that God also focuses more on Chronos is because that is the time when all the waiting happens. We wait for healing, we wait for spouses, we wait for the business opportunity, children etc... This is also the time when God is focusing on character building, arming you with knowledge you will need later, drawing you closer to him. This is usually the longest time period in our lives. Don't thinks so? I bet you are waiting on God to come through for you in one area or another even now.

Kairos is what you are waiting for in Chronos time. This is when the light turns green and God releases you into what you have been waiting on him for. It is important to note that though this is an appointed time, we can sabotage our own Kairos by how we spend our Chronos. If you are disobedient it will take much longer for God to release you into what he has for you. But if you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.

So now that you are in Chronos time, how are you spending it? Are you arming yourself with godly knowledge and wisdom for where you are going? Are you faithful in the little you have to ensure that God gives you the much you long for? Are you preparing to be a wife or husband, or just sulking about being single?

Spend your Chronos wisely and your Kairos will come as God has purposed. Whatever you do, do not compromise, or be slack, or slow to hear and do what God asks you to.

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