I love how the secret uses the scientific approach to talk about the law of attraction (I am a science major) especially when I remember that SCIENCE DISCOVERS WHAT GOD HAS MADE! God made this universe to respond to my thoughts and to bring to me what I think and say. That is why his word says "As a man thinketh so is he" Joel puts it very well by saying that when you think and say something, whether positive or negative, your subconscious mind takes that thought and those words as statements of fact, and sets about to make them happen. God made us that way!!! Start calling those things that are not as though they were, and begin to see it happen. That is why David said we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Even we do not understand how marvelously God created us and the universe. Having said that, and having been redeemed from the Curse through Christ Jesus, I put it to you that not only I'm I an heir to the Kingdom, I am a creator together with God. And so are you!!!
What I'm I saying? If you don't like what you see around you, change it by your positive thoughts and words. Change it completely and create what God wants to see on this earth because he made you that way and because he is always working as Jesus said. Therefore you too should get busy. Dream up skyscrapers and build them (Trump does it, why not you?), Dream up corporations and build them. Ask God to let you use more than just the 5% of your brain that science says we use at our maximum capacity.
I am convinced that we only use 5% of our brain because we have not gone to God and said show me your dreams for where I am. Show me the exploits you created for me to do ahead of time. I want to do more, to be more, to have more. Do you? Seek God. Ask him to visit you in visions and dreams of the night, like he did with Joseph and Daniel. Let him draw for you what he wants to see, work at his level not your own, for his ways are greater than ours, and his thoughts are so much higher than our own. I challenge you, just as I have been challenged. There are no Limits! I am convinced that I have stepped out of the range of thousands and moved in to my millions and will soon be talking Billions, Trillions, Gazillions all to do what he wants me to do. I can't wait to wake up everyday to create new things, to change the world around me and to receive the wealth of the unjust that has all this time been piled up for the just (Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!).
And I recently learned how that works... You sow into God's Kingdom, and he in turn causes you to reap from the enemies camp. The transfer of wealth is here. Dream big, sow much, and let God plunder hells finances to give the righteous what we need to make those dreams a reality. So stop saying you have no money. There are no limits!!!!
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