I have just met up with one of the leaders in the call centre industry in Kenya, and he was very discouraged to the point of saying that he is not sure if Kenya will make it in this industry. Now Faith...
He is of the belief that Jesus and God have no place in business and that once God comes into it all, it goes to Hell in a hand Basket. But I know different!! Maybe if he knew Jesus he would look at the industry and see something else. God asks this question of you and I today. "What do you see?" When you look at your job, your business, the industry that you are in, What do you see?
Do you know what I see right now? I see the call centre industry flourishing in Kenya. I see the wealth of the Nations pouring into this country through this industry. I see elevation. A new middle class coming from it. I see thousands of jobs created in this industry. I see this country's GDP rising, the economy growing at 20% per year.
What do you see? Now Faith....
Behold I do a new thing. Now it springs forth. Do you not percieve it?
Now Faith...
It has been said that "Faith the size of a Mustard seed, can move mountains!"
I have enjoyed reading your thoughts and believe with you that great and mighty things, that we have not even imagined are in store for us!
Amen to that!!
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