A Paradigm is our current way of thinking. Our thought patterns. Whether we believe it or not, we have formed paradigms about the Trinity, and God's word among others. However, our paradigms do not reflect the totality of who God is, and in fact may put him in a box. The term Paradigm paralysis means the inability to see beyond the current way of thinking. Your paradigm is your wineskin it is your holding, grasping capacity of the things of God. But God is multifaceted and will often need us to undergo a paradigm shift (a change in the way you think, act, do things) before he can reveal to us the next chapter in the book that he has written for us.
Ps 139:16 says
"All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be."
So all your days are written down and each chapter requires a new way of thinking. Moving from singlehood to marriage takes paradigm shift, moving from sinner to saint requires a paradigm shift. If I experience Paradigm paralysis I will hinder the move of God in my life because New wine can only be poured into a new wineskin. Luke 5:38 "No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins"
What is the danger of putting new wine in old wineskins? There is the pain of tearing and wastage. Matthew 9:17 "Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved." The mind of God is to preserve you when he commands a paradigm shift. The wine of God, that new infilling, refilling, anointing, phase in life, idea, strategy etc will only be of use to you and do you good if you undergo the paradigm shift.
I received the call for a paradigm shift today and I know that God is wanting to pour something new into my life. I pray that neither you nor I, will miss God in this season, because we suffered paradigm paralysis. Lord, make us pliable. Make us able to change our way of thinking as you show us the new way you want us to think and act. I need it Lord. You are welcome Holy Spirit to make the necessary changes in my life and fill me with new wine to the Glory of your name. Amen!
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